life , nature , outdoors , thoughts
Just Passing Through
Effand Nozh Juni 12, 2016 0
I had a small surprise yesterday as I sat outside writing. I saw something moving towards me out of the corner of my eye - it was coming clo...
READ MOREJust Passing ThroughEffand Nozh Juni 12, 2016
life , nature , summer , thoughts , woodpeckers
Come To My Window
Effand Nozh Juni 07, 2016 0
I've been seeing tons of woodpeckers in my trees and yard this spring. So far I think I've seen three different types, but I haven...
READ MORECome To My WindowEffand Nozh Juni 07, 2016
catbird , flowers , gardening , gray catbird , life , mockingbird , thoughts
Good Morning Songbirds
Effand Nozh Juni 05, 2016 0
Early this morning I had my coffee outside with the songbirds. It seemed that the mosquitoes finally decided to make an appearance so I lit ...
READ MOREGood Morning SongbirdsEffand Nozh Juni 05, 2016
life , nature , outdoors , thoughts
A View From My Outdoor Office
Effand Nozh Juni 02, 2016 0
I know summer doesn't officially begin until June 20th, but as soon as the temperature hits 78° F and I have my backyard patio in order,...
READ MOREA View From My Outdoor OfficeEffand Nozh Juni 02, 2016